Sunday, May 4, 2008

Learning From The Sunbeams

Today Chris and I taught our last lesson to the Sunbeams. As I was sitting in the primary room listening to the children sing, I was thinking about all the things that the Sunbeams taught me while I thought I was doing the teaching. Here are a few examples. No does not mean no, it means count to five and then ask again, because there's no way that the teacher is going to remember that she said no. Five prayers to start class are never too many. Sharing crayons is great, except for the light blue one that is someone's favorite. Shoes in class are optional. When a sunbeam has hidden a ball for another sunbeam to find, he needs to tell her where he hid it right away so that she doesn't get confused. Jesus loves everyone. If one student has to go to the bathroom, everyone has to go to the bathroom, especially if they just went. The CTR 5's are way more interesting than the primary president, or whoever happens to be speaking at the front of the room. And there were many more things that we learned from the sweet children. I have to say that teaching the sunbeams is my favorite calling in the church and I'm going to miss it so much when Chris and I are in a new ward next week.

1 comment:

Erica said...

You guys are such great teachers and will be missed dearly! I loved all your stories. I think I learn from my students more than I teach them!