Thursday, May 8, 2008


I finished my final day of work yesterday. It was a bittersweet day for me; I was, of course, excited all day because the end of the day meant that I was officially starting a new part of my life, a part that includes being closer to family and settling down in a house that we'll be in for quite a while instead of knowing that it's temporary, and eventually starting a family. I felt that I had done the best I could at my job and felt good about the way I had left things there. However, it was sad that I had to leave so many great people behind. I made some great friends at work and it's always hard saying goodbye. They were so sweet and took me out for lunch and icecream, and gave me a card which they had all signed along with a couple of gift certificates and they all said nice things to me, and everyone knows what a sucker I am for a compliment. It was wonderful getting to know them all and I hope that they don't forget me.

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