Friday, November 13, 2009

Finding The Good

I know people who are autumn people. They thrive in the cooler weather, the colors of the changing leaves and all that jazz. I am not one of those people. I love the hot weather, the long days, the relaxation of summer and always feel a little sad when we finally hit October and have to start wearing jackets and real shoes instead of short sleeves and flip flops. I hate daylight savings and how it’s dark when I leave work and also when I leave for work, and how everything starts to look dead or dying. And I absolutely hate, and I do mean hate, to be cold and autumn is the starting point of the cold weather. Fortunately there are some saving graces to this time of the year.
Football season is always fun. Chris is an avid University of Utah fan, as are all of our friends, and the longer I live in Utah, the bigger fan I become. We all get together to tailgate, which is a serious business. Chris’ highschool friends have a gathering before football season to decide what they’re going to eat at the tail gate and everyone who wants to participate in the cooking has to audition. They have to make their dish for this gathering and everyone votes on what is good enough to have at the tailgate. There are two criteria for judging, taste and presentation. Chris auditioned for the tailgates with a dip and he just barely squeaked in with taste because everyone thought that his presentation was terrible. So for the actual tailgate, he prettied up his dish and this is what came out.

Besides the tailgates, the games are a lot of fun. We sit in a section with Chris’ family, his crazy uncles and his parents and we eat peanut M&M’s and hot chocolate when it gets colder and cheer on the football team that has been really good since I started watching them.
The fall holidays are another reason why I don’t go into hiding when Fall comes around. Since we moved back from DC, we’ve been invited to the annual Aloween party hosted by Chris’ friends Al and Ashleigh. This year the theme was a murder mystery in a casino. Chris was a bookie and I was a cocktail waitress who was also a bit of a trollop. It was a lot of fun

I also love the start of school, especially now that I’m not attending. Working at the college has been a great experience. I love the whole higher education atmosphere and it’s definitely more interesting when classes are in session.
So overall, I suppose that the good outweighs the bad with autumn and that I’ll find enough to distract myself until summer comes back around.