Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ode To The Sunbeams

Just kidding, I can’t write an ode. But I do want to write a little bit about the wonderful calling we have at church. Chris and I teach the sunbeams, the three and four year olds. At the moment we teach five little boys, which is great because at one point we had eight little boys, which is just a bit much. They are wonderful! Hardly a Sunday goes by that I don’t have to turn my face away from the kids so that they don’t see me laughing. We’ve had bathroom disasters (ask Chris), and kids falling asleep during singing time, and one kid catapulted himself from the bouncy choir chairs during the annual primary program, plus countless other small things that are hilarious. Also, the kids are so sweet and so sincere. We have to have four opening prayers every Sunday to open class because almost all the boys are excited to say it. Holding up pictures in class is a great privilege, and they know that being reverent is important because the most reverent child in class gets to be the leader when we walk back in to singing time. After a year with them, we’ve finally got the hang of keeping them reverent and listening in class, and in a couple of weeks, we are going to have to let them go up to another class and begin teaching a whole new set of kids. I’m sure the next group will be great, especially since we’ll have the son of some friends in class, but I’ll definitely miss our boys when they move on.

1 comment:

Brian said...

We can't wait for Daniel to go to sunbeams! He is so excited to be a "big" boy and go to your class!