Monday, June 30, 2008

Too Many Shoes?

One of the great things about being back in Salt Lake for good is that Chris and I can visit with friends and famiy back here and not feel like we have to soak up everything all at once. We can go get frosty floats with family members, or play bottchi with friends and it doesn't feel like we're waisting the precious minutes until we have to leave again. Chris and I have done a lot of really fun things since we've been back. We go bowling every Wednesday night when games are only a dollar (Misa's cousin is part of the group that we go with), we watch Chris' highschool friends play softball every week, I get together with my sister to watch our favorite television show, and many other things. Another great thing about being back is that I can call up my sister any time I want, or she can call me, and we can meet up for something fun anytime we want without having to plan a plane trip and hotel rooms. On Saturday, Old Navy was having a big sale so Jeaneah called me up and we went on the spur of the moment. And low and behold, what was on sale? Flip flops! I have to admit that I have a serious flip flop addiction and if I had the funds, there would be no limit to the amount that I would own. At the sale on Saturday, the flip flops were on sale for a dollar a pair. It was very exciting. I bought a couple of pairs and am very happy about it, though I did have to endure a little gentle teasing from Chris who doesn't completely understand my addiction. So not only was I shopping for flip flops, but I got to go with Jeaneah, which has to rank up there as one of the highlights of my week.

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