Thursday, February 14, 2008

But Baby It's Cold Outside

Chris and I have been pondering what to do with the week off school he gets for Spring Break. I have enough time off to take the week off work so we decided to go somewhere. Some friends of ours are going to Orlando and we had the option of going with them. Chris has a brother doing an internship in the Virgin Islands, so we could have decided to go there. Both those options were fine by me, I’m always up for going somewhere warm and sunny. After all, his spring break is the first week in March, a time where it’s still pretty cold and a time when we’re trying to recover from the effects of the bleakest month of the year. I hate February, it’s cold, usually overcast and if not the days are still pretty short so you don’t see the sun as much, and there’s nothing to look forward to in February. It’s only redeeming quality is that it’s short. But all this is beside the point. The point is that Chris and I, instead of deciding to go somewhere where we could shake off the effects of the cold, decided to go to Toronto. That’s right, we’re leaving for a week to go somewhere even colder! I hate being cold, and everyone who knows me knows I hate being cold, including Chris, so this should be an interesting trip. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to be going to Canada. It will be a first for both of us and I’m sure we’ll have a great time. Chris’ dad went on his mission to Toronto, so it holds more interest for us than it might have otherwise. I just wanted to point out the irony of leaving for spring break to go to Canada where spring probably won't arrive for another three months. Also, a little later in March, we are going to the Virgin Islands, so I suppose everything evens out.

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