Friday, November 16, 2007

If We Were Any More Antisocial, We'd Be Invisible!

A few weeks ago, Chris and I had another couple over to our place for dinner, and it was the first time in months that anyone other than ourselves and our home teacher and visiting teacher had stepped foot in our apartment! I know that this is my fault. As the wife, I should be outgoing and forthcoming with dinner invitations to all of our couple friends and that our aparment should ring with the sound of friendly voices. However, I am not an outgoing person. All of my family members reading this are now scratching their heads in confusion because of course I'm loud and obnoxious when I'm around them. However, out here in DC, I'm quiet and reserved and keep my thoughts to myself most of the time. This makes it a little hard to extend invitations to our friends for dinner and a good time. I think that part of the problem is that I don't really like extending invitations to dinner. They feel too formal and that sort of makes people feel like they have to be a little more formal when they come over to dinner. I like a good pop in. It's nice to have people just come over to your house to see what you are up to and maybe share some cookies and chat and that sort of thing, but it's hard when you live in a building where you have buzz people in. Also, most of our friends live rather far away and have kids, so spontanaity is a little bit harder. That's okay, though. We just seem a little more rude for never having anyone over. I guess until we move or decide to be a little more social, our aparment will remain our inviolate tower. Hmm...I wonder if that's what we should call it(the apartment). The Inviolate Tower. That has a nice ring to it.

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