Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And Then There Was One

This last weekend, another one of my brothers moved out and went to college. He's going to Great Bason community college, which is located in exciting Elko Nevada. Chris and I went down there over night on Friday to visit with my family (who Chris hadn't seen in 2 years) and we had a great time. The thing that surprised me the most about the entire trip was the lack of tears from my mother. Since there are seven kids in our family, I'm sure my parents never thought they would have us all out of the house, but we're all getting older and with Joe moving out, there is only one left, the baby, Jordan. My mother usually starts to get all weepy when she realizes that she's going to have fewer of us around, but I have to say that she did very well this weekend. I think that part of the reason she was able to keep herself from crying was the fact that so many of us were there to help with the moving process, and when we all get together, it's like some kind of crazy, hyped up dinner party where the guests are loud and boisterous and do back flips in the parking lot of the Wendys (Jordan). My mother didn't have time to remember that she was only going to have one child left at home until we had gone, and I'm willing to bet that the tears started flowing once she got home and just had Jordan to look at.

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