Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Lazy as Can Be

Chris and I have been exersizing for a few months now. After being perfectly happy watching tv every night without moving for hours and eating whatever we want and expecting no consequences whatsoever, we decided to ruin our good time and get healthy. In all seriousness, it's good to be a little more active than we have been, so we've started utilizing the free gym in our building and the trails outside. When we started, I could barely run a half a mile on the treadmill at a little more than a slow jog and running outside was even worse. Now Chris and I run a little over two miles around four days a week. How did they do it, you might ask yourself. Well, it's all due to what some in the family might call, the ghetto bootie, or fear thereof.
Actually, it's nice exersizing with Chris. We motivate each other and we don't let the other person wimp out just because they feel like it. We spend most of our time together already, but it's nice to have another excuse to monoplize him.

These are some pictures of the trail that we run on sometimes.


Erica said...

Good for you guys! I wish I could get TJ to run with me!!

Sarah Marie said...

Hey guys, we like your blog. We've got a hopkins family blog at hopsfam.blogspot.net if you're interested. Isn't that trail the best!!!

jerryw said...

Mom is going to the gym with "the girls" 2 times a week. Me, I never have the time, between the job (55-60 hrs a week) and being branch Pres.

I am proud of you, (like you need to lose weight)