She's a great traveler. We've taken her to Boston, Chicago, Phoenix, Los Angeles, Maui, not to mention the many car trips to southern Utah to visit family and she handles it like a champ.
She's got the sweetest smile and the greatest laugh.
She's an active little girl. She started walking and moving around so early and hasn't let up at all since. It's been so fun to take her to swim lessons, to the park, and even just to play outside. She was in her first race before she turned one, and was definitely the cutest runner there (it was a kids 1K, untimed and completely laid back which was nice because I had to carry her most of the way, but they still gave her a medal).
She growls.
She loves to be held and cuddled. From the first day that we met her, we have been able to enjoy her sweet little self in our arms and she enjoys it as much as we do, maybe even more so since she still wakes us up in the middle of the night for some mommy and daddy time.
She laughs in her sleep, a lot.
She doesn't mind having her picture taken. This is a big one since we've had to send pictures to her birth mom every month. She will often look right into the camera so I can get the best shot and she loves to see the camera when I'm done so she can see the picture. And she's incredibly photogenic.
Her hair is just the best.
She loves books. She will sit and let me read one or two to her and she loves Pat the Bunny. She has already destroyed one copy from overuse and is working on her second copy. We think she will be a reader.
She squeals with delight whenever she's close to a dog or a cat.
She is very happy and smiley when she wakes up from a nap. She doesn't need time to wake up completely, she just opens her eyes and smiles like she's happy to see us.
She bites her upper lip.
She loves pulling things out of the cupboards in the kitchen even though she knows she's not supposed to and when I walk over to stop her, she grabs something from the cupboard and laughs and runs away like it's a game.
These are just a few of the wonderful things about our daughter. We are so lucky to have her.
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