Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I'm Not Writing About Anything Inparticular

The other day I was writing to my brother on his mission. I realized that the letter was pretty short. I wanted to write more about what Chris and I were doing, but then it hit me, Chris and I don’t really do anything but go to hockey games or stay home and read and watch tv. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the way things are going for us. You might think that we would get on each others’ nerves since we really only have one room in our apartment and we spend almost every waking moment together from the time I get home from work, but we haven’t. However, this makes for some boring reading. What should I write to my brother? Chris says I should make stuff up, he’ll never know the difference anyway. Missionaries will believe anything like “sure I’m interested in your message”. (This is what Chris said during our conversation last night. It took me a minute to figure out what he was talking about. Missionaries, Message? Oh, Right.) I know that Chris was joking, but wouldn’t it be awful to write a bunch of lies to a missionary? That would be like telling a dirty joke to the bishop. It’s not going to get you excommunicated, but there may be some uncomfortable questions about your spiritual wellbeing. I suppose Jason, the missionary, will have to be content with my vague and somewhat abstract ramblings, much as the people who read this blog are.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Talk About The Weather And Everybody's Health

Normally, I wouldn’t write a post about the weather. It’s boring and what can I use for small talk if I have already written about it? However, Virginia is such an odd place in the winter that I have to make mention of it. It’s snowing right now. For the family and friends from out west, I’m sure the general consensus is “snow? Who cares.” For the area in which we live, however, the mind set is, “It’s snowing? I had better go stock up on toilet paper and bottled water before I’m stranded!” Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but seriously, people tend to go a little crazy when the weather turns bad. I was driving in to work this morning, it was a bit cold, but not a drop of moisture to be seen. Then on the radio, the dj announces that the schools in such and such counties have been closed due to an impending storm expected to drop one to two inches of snow. An Impending Storm! That’s right, it hadn’t even started snowing yet and the panic had already set in. And, apparently, whenever it’s about to snow, people rush to the supermarket and stock up on supplies as if they’re preparing for some sort of natural disaster. I would almost like to go to the local supermarket and sit and watch people prepare for the worst before a storm. I'm sure the scene would be kind of novel and a little funny, like a talking dog. Also, may I just say that if they cancelled school every time it snowed one or two inches in Idaho, school would only be two months long. At Bear Lake High, they only cancelled school if the temperature was -20ยบ or colder, and that was only because the busses wouldn’t start when it was that cold. They didn’t care how much it snowed or if there were two inches of pure ice on the roads, as there sometimes were for weeks on end. Not that I’m complaining. I’ve gotten a few days off work due to snow, and it’s always entertaining to watch people out here react to bad weather. Speaking of getting days off work, due to snow, our office closed early today!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A Few Games

The other night, Chris and I were invited to play some games with some friends. It was a really fun evening for a few reasons. 1) Getting to know better some great people. There were four couples there and having the chance to chat with everyone was fun even if I spend most of my time just laughing and listening and slipping in a comment when it had the least chance of being heard. 2) We watched the premier of the show American Gladiator. The show is a remake of a show that was on ages ago and they have now brought back in high style. I don’t know how many people watched it when it was on years and years ago, but in the small group we were with on Sunday, the majority had seen it and liked it and one person who was there amazed us with his American Gladiator savvy as he recalled the most famous of contestants, “Two Scoops”. Actually, the show is really entertaining, more funny than anything. We laughed most of the way through it. And it’s always more fun to laugh about something with a group. 3) There were some really good treats. I don’t make many treats anymore because I usually only eat them when they’re fresh from the oven and Chris has to eat the rest. I stopped making them too often so that Chris doesn’t gain 500 pounds. This was a fun chance to catch up on some good dessert. 4) We played some fun card games. My side of the family has always played cards as a family activity, as you can tell from the picture in Jeaneah’s blog post. I miss playing cards with them. As it’s not as much fun playing with just two people, Chris and I don’t usually play so this was like being home. Thanks Hopkins’!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Hi, this is Jeaneah. First person to guess who got a digital camera for christmas wins a prize.....yup, it's me. This is a picture of the card playing that went on at Mom and Dad's this christmas.....super fun! Gotta love that Lucky Duck. Jen and I were able to spend chrismas with the fam this year, and Char came along later in the day. We all played a lot of Mario Party on the WII, and I don't want to make Jaime jealous but there might have been some guitar hero involved as well. Then for Dad's birthday Mom, Jordan, Joe, Dad and I all headed for Reno where we watched National Treasure II (we all loved it!) and then we went to Claime Jumpers where we had an I Declair!!! My Favorite. We ran into the Hyde's at Claime Jumpers and we told them it was Dad's birthday and then they bought our dinner for us. They are so nice! So it was a great holiday in good ol' Hadley!